讲座题目: Research Tradition in the West, i.e., Research Methodology
讲座专家: 墨尔本大学  章和升教授


    The lecture will provide fundamental knowledge and skills essential to undertaking research in English speaking countries. It will cover all necessary procedures conducting research at the postgraduate level, including choosing a topic, defining a research problem/question, undertaking a literature review, designing an appropriate methodology, conducting the investigation, analyzing the data, and reporting the results.

• On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
• develop researchable questions in areas of research interest;
• write a research report including an extended critical literature review;
• review literature judiciously and systematically;
• understand the link between research questions and research strategies:
• understand the principles of gathering suitable data;
• understand strategies for appropriate analyses of data;
• report findings accurately and concisely;
• demonstrate sensitivity to ethical issues raised by research with people;

    understand the requirements of an ethics application suitable for higher degree studies; and begin to critically analyze their own research and the research of others. 


    章和升,墨尔本大学教授、博士。澳大利亚墨尔本大学教育研究院Research Methodology and Research Project项目负责人。主要研究领域包括语言测试学、研究方法论等,发表论文数十篇。

